Author: iKriz

  • Unity Media WordPress Plugin

    Sadly this plugin uses the old webplayer implementation and is no longer supported For all of those people out there with a wordpress site and a will to show some unity content. Here’s your chance to shine…You can use the plugin below to do exactly that, glad to be of assistance. Unity Media Plugin Unity…

  • Arduino: kWh Monitoring

    Arduino: kWh Monitoring

    Inspired by a fellow ne2000-event goer (dutch site) who made a kwh-meter-meter. I decided to also do something similar with my Arduino as it was just sitting idle in a box waiting for greatness… To do such a project requires a light amount of electronics experience, although you can probably do it without. If you know…

  • Hello 2013… Happy New Year Everyone!

    Hello 2013… Happy New Year Everyone!

    2012 has been a great year with a cherry on top… just before new years on the 27th my wife gave birth to our brand new daughter who is doing very well. This last year has been good, I got a permanent contract at work and we moved into our own house back in feb,…

  • Favorite Images

    Favorite Images, a set on Flickr. These images are a selection of images i’ve taken over the years meant for admiring by the masses, I hope you like them please let me know if you do.

  • Unity Post Process Mayhem

    Are you sick and tired of forgetting to copy that data file to the build directory after each and every standalone build in unity? Sure you could incorporate it into the project but you don’t want that, you just wish that PostProcessBuildPlayer script would work on windows. As of Unity 3.5.2 life just got better……

  • Unity Editor Macros

    A while back the guys at unity released a version of their editor with macros enabled (by accident) in the current version is has been removed/disabled. (this because it’s something they use for testing and not meant for production environments) But with recent endeavours I found it’s possible to enable it in the editor making…

  • Unity Webcam Example

    [UnityMedia src=/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Webcam.unity3d width=550 height=344] Created a quick example in Unity free version to show it’s possible without having the pro version. This uses the webcam script I created earlier on a simple plane.

  • Project: MOBZ

    Project: MOBZ

    For the past year (2011) I’ve been working at Movares on a simulator for the training of bridge & lock operators. Operators of what??? the people that control locks/sluices for boats and plus some bridges. More info about MOBZ can be found here and here I now know a lot about them. I built the…

  • Unity Video Remake: Webcam Textures

    Unity Video Remake: Webcam Textures

    A while back I posted something about video capture in Unity with a sad plea for beta access to version 3.5 which is now finally in public beta, so I decided to do a new post. Setting up a Webcam Texture in Unity Now as you may have seen in the Script Reference (the only…

  • Unity Video Capture

    Unity Video Capture

    There once was a Unity Engine roadmap without any means of capturing video or audio, conclusion: If you wanna do it right do it yourself or hope unity implements it themselves.. w00t v3.5 🙂 well anyway before 3.5 my little plugin named Video Grabber was born… Built on the basis of OpenFrameworks (being one of…